Dr Laurenz Muessig
I am interested in the functional development of the neural circuits underlying memory consolidation and episodic memory. Currently, I am using place cells in the rodent hippocampus as a model system to probe how and at what point in early development (2-5 week old animals) the system thought to be underlying memory consolidation emerges.
Isabella Varsavsky
I am studying the development of the neural circuits responsible for memory. I am doing my PhD at the Wills Lab and working in collaboration with the Cacucci team.
Asra Albu-Swailim
Research Assistant
I am interested in understanding how neural representations are allocated across different brain areas and cell types. I am especially interested in discovering the relative developmental timelines of spatial working and reference memory and the investigation of the neural bases of these cognitive functions. I am currently using automated visual tracking and electrophysiology techniques in young rodents on the 8-radial arm maze.
Manu Balakrishnan
Lab Manager/Research Assistant
I work simultaneously as the lab manager for both the Wills and Cacucci Labs and as a research assistant supporting different research projects across both labs