Prof Francesca Cacucci
Principal Investigator
I am interested in brain circuits, memory, space, time, origins and endings.
Dr Joshua Bassett
I study the head direction system to understand how a group of neurons can be organised to compute integration over time. More generally, Iām interested in how sensory and motor signals contribute to cognitive representations, how brains and cognition evolve, and comparative neuroanatomy.
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twitter: @joshbassett
Dr Eleonora Lomi
I study how information about objects and boundaries is represented in cortical regions of the hippocampal network, with a particular focus on the development of allocentric and egocentric neural reference frames. I am also interested in how these representations emerge and interact with the thalamocortical head direction system via the retrosplenial cortex.
Dr Rafael Pedrosa
Jake Swann
PhD Candidate
I am interested in the development of the neural circuitry underlying spatial cognition. My project focusses on how inputs to hippocampal place cells sculpt their development, and how this corresponds to the emergence of spatial memory in young animals.